We are creating systems for fast screening of longevity interventions on short-living nonmammalian laboratory animals, focusing on tracking algorithms.
  • Anastasiia Velikanova
    Project management, aging biomarker development
  • Nikita Makagonov
    CV, ML algorithms
  • Sergey Kupriyanov
    Server architecture, device programming
At the moment, for Daphnia, we use cubic acrylic aquariums with a volume of 1l, with a mesh lid that restricts the contact of daphnia with the water surface to improve the quality of shooting. The use of this simple design was achieved thanks to stereovision. For fish tracking any cubic aquarium is appropriate. Photos of previous versions of aquariums can be viewed in the gallery.
In our movie we demonstrate the installation of our systems in the lab:
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© 2016–2023 Open Longevity
15260 Ventura Blvd, STE 2230, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403