it's impossible to overestimate the value of planning
our strategy
Join us, copy us or do it better.
Let's take a sober look at the situation of the last 30 years
There was an incredible amount of expectations from several discoveries, but we still don't have technologies guaranteed to extend the life of a person up to at least 100 years. Why?
We linked our hopes with various technologies—telomerase activation, oxidative stress inhibitors, longevity genes, senescent cells—and there is still no desired result.

It was impossible to imagine in year 2000 that in 2020, sports and calorie restriction will remain the most effective ways of life extension!
What has gone wrong? On the one hand, we often believed in one simple solution. It is understandable: that which fits in one sentence, or better—in one word—is easier to sell. The telomere theory has done great harm to the idea of life extension, because it made everyone believe that the problem was to be solved simply. Same story with stem cells.

On the other hand, when you ask the question, "What should we do?", the answer most often is "We should do everything." There are many good ideas in the world, for example: thymus regeneration, research of mitochondria effect on immune system and the development of mitochondrial medicine, stem cell recovery and senescent cell elimination, improvement of the functional properties of intercellular matrix—mechanical medicine, and many more...
Literally thousands of ideas are waiting in the wings. But how do we do all this? We simply have no resources to do everything. We must say: "This is what we are doing, this is the most effective step, and we should focus on that. We're not doing the rest yet."

A strategy is not only an action plan. It is a choice between different plans and a rejection of something.

Otherwise, we will always be in the swamp of good wishes. For example, we can say a million times "the government should allocate a hundred billion dollars to extend life", but this does not and will not happen until we have a clear plan on how we will achieve this.

Moreover, we must do something that has never been done before. What?
A strategy is not only an action plan. It is a choice between different plans and a rejection of something.
Fig. 1. Timeline, the first approximation
  1. Let's imagine a timeline. We are here now (point A), and somewhere there (point B) is amazing future, where we have antiaging therapies. How do we get from point A to point B? What exactly awaits us between these points? We can say with varying degrees of confidence that between A and B there will several things.
  • Some large-scale international project in aging, online or offline, like Large Hadron Collider. This would be an engine of progress, but also an indicator that society has decided to deal with the problem. If there's no huge project, this means we are just going with the flow.
  • Clinical trials of anti-aging therapies
  • A clear diagnostic panel, which made it possible for clinical trials to be performed fast enough for us to see the result within our lifetime.

Sketching a few points is the first step. Then you need to determine their interaction: what comes before what? What events will not happen without others? Maybe something is optional, but it is a good accelerator. Are there any alternative routes from A to B?

And most importantly - in the first picture almost no science was actually described. Let's add it.
Fig. 2. Timeline in the second approximation: a little more details about science. Possible alternative ways are not only various aging mechanisms, but also various analytical approaches.
Which studies are essential for the intercellular matrix aging being defeated? Or the problem of the delivery of genetic material to be solved? Or to clean our body from extra- and intracellular debris? The list of problems associated with aging goes on and on and on. Science still does not reliably know what the root cause of aging is. We are at the "a lot needs to be verified" stage.
And what does it take for research in each area to begin and pass successfully? Money? Yes. But what else?

Individual lines in the second figure are not only aging mechanisms (pink), but also analytical approaches (purple). For example, an analysis of existing biotech companies, building them in a certain order and finding the missing elements is also an alternative method to build a strategy.
We estimate that creating a life extension roadmap will require the work of many specialists: molecular biologists, chemists, business analysts, physicians, anthropologists, specialists in clinical trials, fundraising, lobbying, and creating public opinions. Also of course data scientists, AI and global risks specialists—the list is hardly complete. Now our task is to find, select these people and find resources for their work. How exactly will this complex work be arranged?
We will create an environment for collaboration and issue clear instructions. We'll talk more about this later.
We will conduct a lot of analytical work.
Today we see four important areas that will accelerate work in absolutely any other project.

So, our choice today, our strategy, the Open Longevity Strategy, is four accelerator projects.
Four Horsemen
Directions, which, in our opinion, need to be developed in the first place.
  • Education
    Education is everything. It's hard to imagine that aging will be significantly slowed down without an army of new specialists. Such an education should be as accessible as possible.
  • Virtual Research Institute
    For starters, this is an open and transparent infrastructure for collaborating on databases. Joint information gathering, joint structuring, analysis. The ultimate goal is a huge increase in the number of experiments.
  • Life Extending City
    There are many examples of professional communities naturally gathering in one location (sound record in Detroit and jazz in New York, technology entrepreneurs in San Francisco). This simplifies interaction, creates a positive environment. So why don't we create such an environment ourselves?
  • Diagnostics of Aging
    Convenient and reliable markers of aging will greatly accelerate clinical trials of potential aging therapies. Plus, this is a service that brings people to the fight against aging today.
Such a system accelerates itself

provides Online Institute with human resources;

Diagnostics leads people to Education, Institute and the City, and also creates data for analysis at the Institute;
The City motivates people for work, studying health monitoring withing Diagnostics;
The Institute creates new knowledge, essential for everything.

To work on each direction, we create (and for some projects have already created) an open environment: we use both existing services (Google documents, Trello, Monday ...), and our own interfaces (like for example, for the analysis of longevity genes in terms of evolution).
If you agree with our approach and even if you do not completely agree, but some projects look interesting to you, you can join our work.
Online Institute
We arrange aging and longevity genes in an evolutionary order, creating our own database.
Online Institute, Diagnostics of aging
Let's take a look at aging biomarkers: what diagnostic panels are they in, what characteristics do they have?
More (Rus)
Education, Life Extending City
Travel to our school, come to one-day lectures in your city, or even better—become a co-organizer of our next event.
Online Institute
But not all—only those that develop technologies related to biomarkers of aging.
Instruction (Eng soon)
We have more projects and will update this block.
What is the most important for us right now?
We've started the conversation with a timeline. And from the difficulty of it we moved to four main directions. But in the process of working on the projects within the main areas (as part of our strategy), we will turn the timeline sketch into a detailed, complex roadmap with many relationships, more accurate time stamps. This roadmap should include not only key events, but also key players (organizations and people), sources of financing. All necessary and sufficient conditions.

All this will appear not as an endgame, but as a product of work within the framework of the strategy. However, we always remember about planning and in our work we regularly return to the question "What is most important for us right now?"
Do you agree with our approach?
The Strategy of Open Longevity
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If you do not agree with our approach, then the answer "everything is wrong" will lead to nothing. Better take a look at the strategies of other organizations or suggest something of your own. All this can be done within The Analysis of All Anti-Aging Strategies project.
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© 2016–2023 Open Longevity
15260 Ventura Blvd, STE 2230, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403