The major goal is to define the search for ways to stop and reverse human biological aging. Thus, the roadmap’s goal is to increase the scale of scientific research in the field.
Our document is ready for implementation in grant policies, and public and private funding programs. It can become the basis of mega-collaborations, like the human genome project.
By solving the fundamental problems outlined in this roadmap, we can expect a cumulative increase in human life expectancy and healthspan. The roadmap shows the areas in research to be funded and lays out the complex task of defeating aging into several clear local goals.
Since biological aging is a complex phenomenon, our document discusses the widest possible range of fundamental research and applied developments in the field of aging and rejuvenation of the body, aimed at studying:
- Molecular mechanisms of aging and rejuvenation;
- Aging of individual tissues, organs, and body systems, and the search for mechanisms for their rejuvenation;
- Population studies on aging and rejuvenation;
- Systemic approach: databases and mathematical models;
- Prevention of age-related diseases, which are the main causes of human death;
- Instrumental and technological methods of rejuvenation and preservation of life;
- The formation of clinical practice in the fight against aging;